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All-new NICK DERINGTON original art drops tomorrow, Tues. 11/19, at 9AM PST/12PM EST! BATMAN! DOOM PATROL! MISTER MIRACLE! MORE!

Published on November 18, 2019

All-new NICK DERINGTON original art drops tomorrow, Tuesday November 19th, at 9AM PST/12PM EST! 40 pieces from BATMAN UNIVERSE, DOOM PATROL, MISTER MIRACLE, and more!

Along with superstar writer Brian Michael Bendis, Nick has crafted a Batman comic for the ages: BATMAN UNIVERSE. And the critics agree...a few examples:

It's these shifts in dramatic tone, themes and plotting and how they are presented in one consistent aesthetic that makes Batman Universe #1 so compelling. The cohesion, however, sits heavily on the shoulders of Derington, who never wavers. He has crafted the perfect Batman for the story he and Bendis are trying to tell, and it's instantly iconic. Derington has been doing amazing work for DC Comics the last year or so. His work on Doom Patrol has been second to none, and seeing him draw a Batman title straddling the line between eras of the character feels like it's a gig he was born to take. - Comic Book Resources

Batman Universe #1 is the best Batman debut since the Rebirth relaunch, which means a lot considering how many Batman comics exist at any moment in modern comics history. That’s not because it is the only comic to “get” Batman, whatever that means; it’s because Batman Universe is a comic that embraces being a comic book. There’s a readiness to play with space, tone, and color across each new sequence. Action is delivered perfectly and the writing (no matter how funny or clever) values its place in a visual medium. Batman Universe isn’t about some grandiose philosophy or intense personal statement here—although the character’s history still holds meaning—this series is about telling the best Batman story imaginable, and that’s exactly what it is doing. - Comicbook.com

The artwork is spectacular. Nick Derington can straight-up draw Batman forever and I'd be okay with it. 10/10. - AIPT.com

BATMAN UNIVERSE Chapter 9 is the latest chapter to sell complete. Enjoy the scans here:


Tomorrow, we are making Chapter 10 available. All pages, including the cover. The last two chapters we broke up didn't feature Batman; finally, he returns in Chapter 10! Also, there are only two chapters remaining after this, and at least one of them WILL sell complete. So don't miss your chance tomorrow to add a page from this classic-in-the-making!

We will also be making available a complete issue from Nick and Gerard Way's definitive DOOM PATROL run. Once again, featuring Nick's beautifully delicate pencil work. We are coming to the end of this art...there will be no more!

As well, an awesome selection of covers will be in the drop, including Nick's series of covers for DC's Silver Age Omnibus line! Nick's clean, classic style is a perfect fit, and he delivers across the board.

And speaking of covers...we are finally releasing perhaps Nick's most acclaimed cover:


That's right...MISTER MIRACLE #10. The very epitome of a modern grail cover. We've been asked about this more than any other art from Nick. It's a definitive depiction of DC's most powerful villain (soon to be featured in the DCU movies). The MISTER MIRACLE covers are the only original art for the series; each one is a gem. But #10 was the one chosen for the limited edition print from Bottleneck Gallery. We consider it at least as important as the #1 cover. We will be taking offers for this cover starting NOW. Fair warning: We may end the bidding at any time, possibly as soon as Nick gets an offer he finds acceptable. So write me ASAP if you're interested. Those who follow us know that we almost never take offers like this. But an artist has only so many career-defining works, so we're going to make an exception here. Thanks for understanding and good luck!

Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow!



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