Felix Comic Art
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SETH FISHER art drops tomorrow, Tues. 7/14, at 9AM PDT/12PM EDT! 50 pieces!

Published on July 13, 2020

We are proud to announce a most special opportunity: 50 pieces of SETH FISHER original art will be available on our site tomorrow, Tuesday, July 14th, at 9AM PDT/12PM EDT. This is the first new art offered by Seth's family in two years.
This comprehensive selection spans Seth's comics career, from GREEN LANTERN: WILLWORLD to FLASH: TIME FLIES to DOOM PATROL to BATMAN: SNOW to FANTASTIC FOUR/IRON MAN: BIG IN JAPAN to his most personal work, VERTIGO POP! TOKYO. Each page is a treasure from one of the most imaginative comic book artists we've seen in our lifetime.
This is a unique opportunity provided by Seth's family for fans and collectors. Seth's art has understandably been precious to them, and the caretakers have always been careful as to where it goes. So we humbly request that everyone to please be respectful of that. We ask that dealers abstain from buying for resale; the famlly's goal is to share this art with Seth's true fans who have been patiently waiting for this chance.
Please note: There will not be much art left after this sale. The family may elect to keep the remaining few pieces. Regardless, this is the last ever sale of this magnitude of Seth's art.
This sale benefits Seth's wife Hisako and his son Toufuu.
To learn more about Seth and his art, please visit www.floweringnose.com.
Thank you and see you tomorrow!

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