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All-new RYAN OTTLEY original art drops tomorrow, Tues. 1/4, at 9AM PST/12PM EST! Pinups, pinups, pinups!

Published on January 3, 2022

We closed out 2021 with an epic drop of Ryan Ottley's personal art...and now we open up 2022 the same way! All-new RYAN OTTLEY original art drops tomorrow, Tuesday (January 4th), at 9AM PST/12PST! Pinups, pinups, and more pinups!

For years, fans have marveled at Ryan's sketches and pinups on his IG. And before that, on the blogs he shared with his favorite fellow artists (including our own James Harren!). Ryan draws for his own pleasure...and to improve. And, in the case of the blogs, to challenge himself with other supreme talents. The result? Fantastic art. And a fantastic career. None of this happened by accident or luck. Ryan earned it. This art is proof.

From the day I started repping Ryan, collectors have been inquiring about this art. It has not been available for sale...until now. After steadfastly refusing to let any of it go, Ryan recently surprised me with a package that was jam-packed with these awesome pieces. We opened it all up on UNBOXING / ART SHOW Episode 7...which has become one of our most popular episodes ever. Check it out if you haven't yet. The Ottley art is an all-time highlight!

Tomorrow, we will feature the pinups he did of his favorite indie books. He and James would pick books to read and then create their own art for it. Titles from GRENDEL to PITT to 100 BULLETS to more modern favorites like LUTHER STRODE, MOUSE GUARD, RASL, UMBRELLA ACADEMY, and many, many more! Most are full-size cover-quality 11X17! As Ryan doesn't have time to do commissions these days-- let alone full-size 11X17 commissions-- this is a rare chane for these unique subjects! We'll also have a few more of his personal sketches, too!

Our last drop of this art featured some of Ryan's wildest pieces and inspired stories such as this from Screen Rant:

Hulk Gets Torn to Shreds by in Hilarious Ryan Ottley Art

Tomorrow's offerings may be even more impressive. As always, refresh the UPDATES tab at the drop to see all the pieces at once. Check out our socials (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook) for a sneak peek group pic of the art you can expect to see tomorrow. Time payment plans are available with prior approval. Thanks, good luck tomorrow, and have fun!


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