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All-new original art COVERS drop tomorrow, Fri. 3/11, at 9AM PST/12PM EST! Biggest cover drop EVER!

Published on March 10, 2022

The art drop you've been waiting for is here...All-new original art COVERS drop tomorrow, Friday, March 11th, at 9AM PST/12PM EST! The most covers! From the most artists! 40+ pieces!!

Those who have been following our UNBOXING / ART SHOW series on YouTube (subscribe to our channel!) have been seeing incredible knockout covers unveiled in each episode...and have been wondering when they'd be available. Well, we've been hoarding them for this giant event and, finally, the time has arrived!

Our all-cover drops are the stuff of legend...and this one is our biggest one yet. The most covers we've ever dropped at once, from the most artists! Over 40 covers from 17 artists! You will never have a greater selection of grail-worthy trophy pieces to choose from in a single drop. Any one of these could make your collecting year:

MATíAS BERGARA: A Marvel X-cover...DEATH OF DOCTOR STRANGE: X-MEN/BLACK KNIGHT #1! Plus from Si Spurrier and Vault Comics, THE RUSH #1!

IAN BERTRAM: His breathtaking regular cover for the smash-hit STEP BY BLOODY STEP #1! 19"X24" Wall Power!!

CHRIS BURNHAM: Three awesome DC covers from one of the key Batman artists of the past 20 years! GOTHAM CITY VILLAINS ANNIVERSARY #1! BATMAN ANNUAL! DEATHSTROKE INCORPORATED #8!

CLIFF CHIANG: THE definitive PAPER GIRLS cover for the definitive hardcover collection! TRIPLE-SIZE! Plus a PG bookplate! Plus DC FESTIVAL OF HEROES pinup!

AARON CONLEY: Two new cover-quality pieces for a new classic video game print art series (following his '80s movie series)...STREET FIGHTER and RAMPAGE!

NICK DRAGOTTA: THREE rare covers on paper! Including two X-covers! X-MEN: HELLFIRE GALA #1, X-CELLENT #3, and IRON FIST #1 (the Gwendom cover)!

BILQUIS EVELY: Marvel X-cover from the SUPERGIRL superstar, ROGUE AND GAMBIT #1!

STEPHEN GREEN: Cover for the new indie hit, WHAT'S THE FURTHEST PLACE FROM HERE? #1!


JAMES HARREN: The other STEP BY BLOODY STEP #1 cover! An unpublished RUMBLE cover so good that you won't believe it's unpublished! Plus...THE JOKER!!

STUART IMMONEN: NEXTWAVE #9! The last remaining NEXTWAVE art, cover or otherwise!

DANIEL WARREN JOHNSON: The mother of all MURDER FALCON covers for the upcoming complete hardcover collection! Plus...a Batman cover!!

NIC KLEIN: Perhaps the most stunning MOON KNIGHT cover you'll ever see! And a THOR cover! (Believe it or not!) And finally...CONAN!!

RYAN OTTLEY: MY HERO ACADEMIA #31 cover! Rare official manga art from a beloved modern classic!

RILEY ROSSMO: From the DC superstar we have WONDER WOMAN: EVOLUTION #1, JUSTICE LEAGUE INFINITY #1, and (of course) HARLEY QUINN #10!

GEOFF SHAW: THREE bombastic CONAN covers from the new series cover artist...fresh off meghits GOD COUNTRY, THANOS WINS, and now, CROSSOVER!

RYAN SOOK: FIVE covers from this cover artist extraordinaire, including HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #2, REGARDING THE MATTER OF OSWALD'S BODY #1, THE MAGIC ORDER 2 #5 (the ONLY available art to date from MG2!), and BASILISK #9 and #10!

(And maybe some last-minute surprises...?)

Crazy, right? Wait until you see them ALL at the drop! Remember, keep refreshing the UPDATES tab to see them all land tomorrow at 9AM PDT/12PM EDT. Time payment plans are available, please write me for approval before ordering. Good luck everyone and congrats in advance to all those who are able to take down one of these showpieces! See you tomorrow!


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